Charitable Legacy Planning
Because everyone leaves a legacy . . .Everyone leaves a financial legacy – some good, some bad – but leaving the one you want requires skillful planning.
Whether your goal is simply to avoid becoming a burden to your kids in retirement or as ambitious as leaving hundreds of millions of dollars to the charitable causes you believe in, at Charis Legacy Partners, we partner with you in that journey. We help you craft the story you want your legacy to tell, develop a customized roadmap for getting you there, then walk with you every step of the way to execute on that plan.
Charis (pronounced KAIR-iss) is the Greek word used in the Bible for grace, or unmerited favor, and it connotes something given freely without expectation of anything in return; it’s the root word from which the English word charity is derived.
We chose the name Charis Legacy Partners to reflect our specialized focus on serving the unique needs of clients for whom leaving a legacy of giving back is a prominent aspect of their financial goals. We live and breathe legacy planning.
Why Charis Legacy Partners?
We partner with a team of professionals to add comprehensive value to legacy planning.
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Simply put, this means that we place your interests ahead of our own.
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We charge a flat annual fee rather than commissions.
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CFP® and CFA® Certified
We comply with the highest ethical and professional standards in the industry.
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The Charis Legacy
The Legacy Planning Guide to Maximizing your Giving Impact