Today’s blog post comes to us courtesy of Sean Mullaney over at The FI Tax Guy It’s time to think about year-end tax planning. Year-end is a great time to get tax planning ducks in a row and take advantage of opportunities. Remember, the below is for educational...
Employer charitable matching programs can maximize the power of every dollar you donate – but these programs often go overlooked. At Charis Legacy Partners, our charitable legacy planning involves creating a comprehensive financial plan that includes thoughtful...
Maximizing retirement contributions is a great way to increase your lifetime legacy giving – here’s how to do it. If you’ve spent much time on this blog, or are a client of Charis Legacy Partners, you’ve likely heard me talk about laying the foundation for...
Charitable bunching, AKA charitable clumping, may provide a more tax-efficient way for charitable-minded folks to donate to their favorite charities, but it’s not for everyone. Since we file taxes annually, we often think about our finances in annual terms...
Cash is often the go to option for charitable giving, but by donating appreciated stock instead, you may get more bang for your buck. Creating a legacy is all about strategic financial planning, and that applies whether your goals are to provide support for charities,...
For those of us with financial legacy goals, it’s easy to focus on accruing wealth surplus (i.e. the amount of accumulated wealth over and above that needed for retirement spending needs) through increasing our income or going with a more aggressive asset allocation...